Recently, Instagram added an important update to their Story feature. Every story we upload, whether it's a picture or a video, can now be linked to a website URL. This means that your followers will be redirected from instagram to your website - all the user needs to do is swipe up.
Before this update, the only option to redirect Instagram followers to a website was through a link in the user's biography, making this a major breakthrough.
Adding a link to a story is a beta feature that only works for verified accounts.
Wait… Only verified accounts you said? There's a solution!
InstaPalace found a method that opens the possibility for any Instagram account..
In fact, the minimum number of followers that must be following the account in order to be verified is 10,000.
By purchasing followers through InstaPalace, your account can become verified!
For example, if you have an Instagram account with 1000 followers,
you will need to purchase 9000 additional followers to become verified so you can add a link to your story.
This means that by investing up to $100 (depending on your current amount of followers), the option can be activated.
This is a negligible investment compared to the profitable potential that the option provides:
- Business accounts - simply link to their site, new products, updates, and so on
- Bloggers - easily update followers on new content
- Instagram influencers - advertise paid campaigns with a link to the campaign page
- And dozens of more options to take advantage of the option of adding a link to your instagram story.